Les coquineries de Karine, bisexuelle

    I was 14 years old. We went every year on holiday in our cousins. Christophe was 19 years old and I had decided this day to be dépucelée there by this fine young man whom I had liked for several years.
    During a ballade, we passed in front of a barn in which bags of grains were piled up. I involved it towards this barn and we lay on the bags. Immediately, Christophe put itself to embrace me, on the shoulders, the face, the mouth... I was heated with white and was inflated intrepidity. I knew what I wanted and I was going finally to obtain it, I was sure. It opened my dress and kneaded me the centres, cherishing the points then taking them in its mouth.    I opened the lips by geignant pleasure. I had not still tested anything of similar. It was marvellous, extraordinary. I surrounded it of my arms while it laid down me under him, finishing stripping me, then lowered his trousers and his pants to give off his penis.
    He was hard and his hard cock impressed me: it was the first which I saw, it appeared enormous to me. I advanced the hand to touch it. It was hot, lasts, and seemed to vibrate of the interior as if it had a proper heart which beat inside. It was alive, that moved under my fingers, I were horny ! I was young, but I was already well developed and I had already a beautiful tuft of fair hairs gilded on my small still virgin pussy, but more as a a long time!
    Christophe slowly walked his fingers on the wet lips of my caunt, then more quickly, travelling sex between the inch and the index my button of love. I had to bite in a bag not to shout. It was too good, but I did not want to enjoy before to be penetrated by his dick. It rubbed finally its bluish nipple at the edge of my hole. I shouted :
    - Yes! Yes! Put it to me! I want it! Now!
    Of a blow of kidneys, it penetrated me in force. I did not even have badly. I if was wet of excitation! It should be also said that there was a long time that my membrane had left under the action a neck bottle or the handle a brush! But it was my first prick, and, whore, what it was good! I was filled by his cock which excavated me, he was and came in and out less grognant, being maintained on the front armlevers to penetrate me well "à.fond".
    It did not trail: we have came both at the same time, and it was still a new feeling:
initially, I smelled better than ever the contractions of my vagina around this sex which transpierced me, then, when he ejaculated, I felt his juice to fill me by jerks. That was so extremely failed so new for me to disappear.
    Then he collapsed against me and murmured me in the ear: "I love you"...
Sam 27 jan 2007 Aucun commentaire